Project DAVINA
Domestic Abuse/Violence Is Never Acceptable
If you need help support or advice around Domestic Abuse please contact SAOL on 01 8553391/3 and ask for DAVINA.
Domestic Abuse Violence Is Never Acceptable
When addressing addiction issues SAOL believes it is important to examine the context in which the substance use is occurring. While there are many reasons women use substances, substance use is undoubtedly affected by an experience of Domestic Abuse.
The DAVINA Project was set up in response to an increased need among women who were presenting to SAOL for support around Domestic Violence. In fact, while we don't as yet formally count how many people present with experiences of domestic violence, SAOL recognises that many women who use drugs are vulnerable to domestic abuse. We estimate that well over 90% of women who attend our project have experienced domestic abuse and violence at some point in their lives. However, it can be difficult if using alcohol or drugs to access mainstream domestic violence services. DAVINA aims to bridge the gap between addiction and Domestic Violence services so that women can not only access support earlier but can also explore the impact of Domestic Abuse on her decisions around drugs and alcohol.

A key part of the programme is the role of the DAVINA Peers; that is women who have a lived experience of Addiction and Domestic Violence. The Peers not only to inform the direction of the project, but they develop materials that can be used by professionals to work with women who experience dual issues of addiction and Domestic Violence.
The DAVINA Peers are currently hard at work developing a 12 week psycho-educational programme that will help women understand the different forms abuse can take and empower them to seek help should they need it.
If you need help support or advice around Domestic Abuse please contact SAOL on 01 8553391/3 and ask for DAVINA.
Domestic Abuse Violence Is Never Acceptable