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About Governance


SAOL Project takes seriously our duty to maintain the highest levels of governance for our work.  We actively work to full compliance of governance guides from the Charity Regulator, HSE, Department of Social Protection and Department of Justice.  We are compliant with SORP (recommended practice for Accounting and Reporting by Charities) and as a Type C organisation, we are finalising out compliance with the Charities Regulator Governance code during 2021.

Our Board of Management meets on at least 6 occasions per year. We have an active, voluntary and very experienced board of management with a minimum of 3 directors.  Each officer has a 3-year term of office with the option for reappointment.  They are recruited based on their skills and the knowledge and knowhow they can bring to the Board.  Their responsibility:


  • Ensuring the vision and purpose of SAOL is implemented.

  • Ensuring we have the money to provide the services we are committed to.

  • Reviewing and developing SAOL for our participants’ changing needs by overseeing budgets, governance, risk and services provided.

  • Engaging with participants to ensure that the ‘service user’ voice is loudly and accurately represented in all decision making for SAOL.


Sub-committees of the Board of Management:

  1.  Board- Finance and Audit Committee

Chair Fergus Cronin

Catriona Crowe

Joan Byrne

Gary Broderick

Réidín Dunne Reade

Joanne Byrne


Governance Committee

Catriona Crowe Chair

Nessan Vaughen

Seanie Lambe

Gary Broderick

Reidín Dunne Reade



Advisory Committee for BRIO

Jan Alvey

Erica Browne

Jessica Campbell

Reidin Dunne Reade,

Rose Toal,

Rachel Freyne,

Marguerite Woods

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